Government Health and Safety Awards 2020
Published: October 15, 2020
This week we celebrated Tāmaki Makaurau Administrator, Yuet Foong, as she was announced the winner of the 2020 Health and Safety Representative of the Year Award by Government Health and Safety Lead (GHSL).
“Humble and hardworking” – Our Health and Safety champion

Yuet was presented the award in Auckland by Oranga Tamariki Chief Executive Gráinne Moss and the Leadership Team. This was in lieu of a Wellington awards ceremony and conference, due to the COVID-19 pandemic.
Also joining via video conference and co-presenting the award was Ministry for Primary Industries Deputy Director-General Vincent Arbuckle and PSA National Secretary Glenn Barclay.
The award nominations
Mr Arbuckle says the award is in its third year running and it acknowledges the outstanding health and safety representatives across all government agencies.
“This year we received 49 nominations from which our selection panel chose six finalists and one overall winner.
“Yuet received two nominations from her colleagues which shows the level of commendation for her from within Oranga Tamariki. One nomination described her as ‘committed to health and safety in every way possible’.”
Commitment to health and safety
Oranga Tamariki Chief Executive Gráinne Moss says Yuet’s humble, open and hardworking commitment to her work has been recognised through this award.
“I’m very proud of Yuet. I know that she’s committed to doing her best for all of her colleagues in supporting and guiding them through health and safety, which in turn allows them to do their best for the tamariki and whānau we work with.
“A huge congratulations Yuet from myself and our Leadership Team.”
The taonga
The taonga gifted to Yuet as this year’s recipient is a Taiaha and Pouwhenua sitting on a frame carved by men in the Whakairo workshop at Northland Regional Corrections Facility, in the upper North Island.
The taonga represents the skill of a true warrior who has been trained in the disciplines of Taiaha and upholds and wields it for the safety and the protection of oneself and others, similar to health and safety serving to protect our health, safety and wellbeing.