Engaging all New Zealanders survey report

Published: April 11, 2019

To what extent do New Zealanders feel responsible for the wellbeing of children and young people in their community they don’t know? Explore this question and more through the Children in New Zealand Communities Survey (2019).


The purpose of Engaging all New Zealanders is to raise awareness and create a sense of responsibility, to shift attitudes and social norms and to encourage everyone to take action for the wellbeing of vulnerable children and young people. 

To achieve this, Oranga Tamariki aims to improve its understanding of New Zealanders’ beliefs, opinions, attitudes and behaviours regarding child and youth vulnerability.

The 2019 survey reported here follows on from the 2017 Engaging all New Zealanders survey and the formative research undertaken in March 2017 by EY Sweeney.

Key findings

The Children in New Zealand Communities Survey provides information about the attitudes and behaviours of the New Zealand public towards children and young people ‘at risk’ of not thriving.

This survey was a nationwide survey of New Zealand residents aged 18 years and over, using a mix of self completion methods. A total of 1,548 adults completed this survey between 13 February and 5 April 2019. Detailed information about the survey approach and sample profile can be found in the Appendix of the report.

Some of the questions touched upon in the report include:

  • Does New Zealand have a problem or not?
  • Are we aware of the contributors to vulnerability/wellbeing?
  • Where does community responsibility sit relative to parental responsibility and governmental responsibility?
  • Have people taken action when they have been in a position to do so?
  • Does consideration of helping a child increase for certain types of care?
  • Are we noticing information or commentary relating to vulnerable children?