Gráinne's update - February 2019

Published: February 28, 2019

Chief Executive Gráinne Moss talks about how Oranga Tamariki is moving towards a new operating model in preparation for new legislation.

Building on our new way of working

Progress in delivering a new operating model for Oranga Tamariki is gathering momentum, which will help us to meet our new obligations when new legislation comes into effect in July. Most importantly it enables us to work to support whānau and communities to bring about real change for children and young people.

New Zealanders want change and this is our chance to get it right – so we’re hard at work building the services outlined in our new Outcomes Framework. 

Partnership at the heart of how we'll work

Some of our work will look and feel very different, though it will take three to four years to fully implement as we grow and build as an organisation and take a staged approach to procurement of services.

As we develop our own capability through this time of change, support for all our partners and providers will be a focus. We know from all we have heard in recent years the experience tamariki and whānau want to have in the future. And we know we can’t do it on our own.

Our journey has begun

We’re working with our Care Partners now to prepare for the new National Care Standards, and we’re evaluating proposals for new Remand Care Homes across the country.

From 1 July this year we will be extending support to young people leaving care and youth justice as they transition into adulthood, so we’re talking with communities to secure Transition Support Workers to begin working with our young people from as early as April.

We’re building stronger relationships with iwi and Māori, and seeking feedback on how we can achieve improved outcomes for tamariki Māori through our obligations under the new Section of the act – 7AA.

View the care standards

Read about Higher aspirations for Ngāpuhi tamariki

Legislation a catalyst for change

We’re doing all these things not just because the legislation requires them - but because our children and young people deserve to receive the best possible care.

As always don’t hesitate to contact me with any feedback, comments, ideas or suggestions.

Ngā mihi nui,


Oranga Tamariki Chief Executive.