Provider service reporting

Provider organisations and groups assist us to deliver services to whānau and tamariki in care. Our providers report back to us regularly on their mahi.

How do we know if Services are working?

Oranga Tamariki agency does this through various reporting requirements which are all based on a Results Based Accountability (RBA) framework, and are reflected in various reporting requirements.

To tell us if the initiatives are making a difference Oranga Tamariki requires the Providers to collect data that will tell us:

  • how much we did
  • how well did we do it
  • if anyone was better off.

What reports are required by the Purchasing Agency?

Reporting is required to meet the contractual obligations set out in the Outcome Agreement. Reporting is necessary to ensure accountability to Government for the funding provided under that Outcome Agreement. Oranga Tamariki has agreed on the quantity and nature of the services the funding supports, and we are required to report to Government that this has been achieved.

Transition to adulthood reporting

Please send the following reports to your Partnering for Outcomes Advisor at

Published: September 26, 2023